PostgreSQL provides you with three loop statements: LOOP , WHILE loop , and FOR loop. Sometimes, you need to execute a block of statements repeatedly until a condition becomes true. The IF statement is used to execute a command conditionally. If the condition evaluates to false, the control is passed to the next statement after the END IF part.
If WHEN is specifie the loop exit occurs only if boolean-expression is true. Otherwise, control passes to the statement after EXIT. A FOR or FOREACH statement sets FOUND true if it iterates one or more times, else false. The DO statement requires at least PostgreSQL 9. LANGUAGE plpgsql is the default (so you can omit the declaration). Browse other questions tagged arrays postgresql multidimensional-array for-loop plpgsql or ask your own question.
Blog Meet the Public QA team. What’s in the Works: Improving Feedback for All Users. Then, the named loop or block is terminated and control continues with the statement after the loop or block corresponding END.
Repeat the execution of a statement. This statement forms an infinite loop , that is, loop whose execution never terminates unless specifically interrupted in some ways. One way is using LEAVE statement. When we use it, we have to define label.
Use the FOR loop to repeat a specific statement (s) within a block over a range specified terms.